Celebrate De Pere 2020 Canceled

March 16, 2020

Celebrate De Pere Press Release – March 16, 2020
Many schools are either closing or asking students to not return after spring break. Public events are closing or being canceled in every avenue at an alarming rate. Travel bans are being imposed across even larger cross sections of our nation which has taken a no nonsense stand to prevent the spread of the disease. Colleges, concerts, festivals, NBA, NHL, MLB and the NCAA and many other organizations have declared suspensions or closings in the race to combat the spread of COVID-19 that is threatening and overshadowing our normal day to day lives. Recently the WIAA Girls State Tournament played to half empty seats.

Locally the President and CEO of Prevea Health has stated that along with the practicality of thoroughly washing your hands and avoiding touching of hands and face to,  “ Avoid(ing) large groups of people is the first step towards avoiding the scenario” of the spread of the disease and the overwhelming of our medical services.

The Board of Directors of Celebrate DePere with a deep sadness is informing the public that Celebrate De Pere 2020 has been canceled for the Memorial Day weekend due to current concerns for the health, safety and welfare of all. Although the team of dedicated volunteers, committee members and directors of Celebrate De Pere have been actively planning the 30th annual event for many months, we are now currently faced with the realization that we cannot achieve our  primary mission to ensure that all attendees stay safe.

Please remember that the true meaning of Memorial Day is to honor all our veterans, past and present, who have served to make this great nation what it is today: The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

God Bless America.